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Grandiose baroque map of Paris, France, originally published in 1739.
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Magnificent bird's eye view map of Paris, France, originally published in 1618.
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Stylish extra large vintage map of Paris, France, originally published in 1814.
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Wonderfully detailed street map published in 1705, during the reign of Louis XIV.
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Map of Paris published in 1742 by Covens and Mortier.
Paris. Original steel engraving by Rouargue. 1846.
"Зубец" есть и Бстилия есть в 1846 году.
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Detailed map of Paris from the first half of the 19th century, with all streets and most major buildings and parks labeled. Includes an index on the left and right sides of streets, and an inset chart detailing the 12 Arrondissements (Districts) and 48 Quartiers (Neighborhoods), with the main churches and buildings found in each. Coloring on the map indicates the borders of the 12 Districts.
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C. 1850 Hand colored lithograph of the "Vue de la Bastille du cote du Pont-Levis." Authentic Antique Print.
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Paris, 1842 : funérailles du duc d’Orléans à Notre-Dame de Paris (première photographie connue de la cathédrale)

Notre Dame de Paris, 1838, by Louis Daguerre


Louis Adolphe Humbert de Molard – Paris 1850

Photographe présumé Date d'édition : 1859
Шпиль появится в 1860 и ... на очень ранних рисунках - картах.

Notre Dame de Paris de 1851 à 1870

Île de la Cité, Paris, c. 1550.
Так что историю Парижа шлепали после 1860 года